Illinois has joined California, Minnesota, Oregon, Texas and Utah in naming a state mushroom, Calvatia gigantea, otherwise known as the Giant Puffball.
On Aug 12, 2024, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed legislation, which passed almost unanimously, which designated this mushroom as the Illinois State Mushroom. The mushroom can be found in grassy areas around the state, can grow up to 24 inches wide, 10 pounds, and have over 7 trillion spores.
How did they choose just which of the over twenty mushrooms native to Illinois would become the state mushroom?
In November, 2023, students from the Prairie Elementary School in DuPage, a school focused on learning out in the environment rather than in a classroom, started a project to determine the appropriate mushroom. They analyzed data, read through research, and interviewed hundreds of stakeholders before holding a schoolwide election to ultimately declare the Giant Puffball as the winner.
The students then presented their findings in legislative meetings and gained public approval before their proposal turned into a fully approved law.
Illinois Governors held a press release, adding their thoughts on the legislation, said that the mushroom now stands as a testament to the determination and curiosity of Illinois students.
Puffball mushrooms are actually edible, although we recommend that you never eat mushrooms without a professional mycologist’s verification. If you’re looking for recipes, we have a list suiting a variety of diets and tastes.
Why is having a state mushroom so important?
The Mycological Society of America has started The State Mushroom Initiative, an initiative for every state in the US to have their own state mushroom. The purpose of this is to raise awareness of the world of fungi, and their vital importance in the natural and human worlds. With these state mushrooms in place, the Mycological Society of America hopes that people will be motivated to learn more about mycology, and how important fungi is to the ecosystem as a whole. If you’re interested in pushing for a state mushroom in your own state, the Mycological Society of America is spearheading the initiative and has resources to help.
Do you want to learn some more about Puffball mushrooms? How about the state mushroom for your own state? Find out more below:
Oregon was the first state to designate a state mushroom, the pacific golden chanterelle (Cantharellus formosus), in 1999.
California designated their state mushroom, the golden chanterelle (Cantharellus californicus), in 2023.
Plus, some other states are currently in the process of trying to legislate their own state mushrooms:
Washington is proposing the Tricholoma murrillianum, New York the Hydnellum peckii, Missouri the Cantharellus lateritius, and Massachusetts also the Calvatia gigantea.