At Shroomer, September is more than just the beginning of fall—it’s National Mushroom Month! With autumn creeping in and the first mushrooms of the season starting to emerge, this month is all about celebrating the amazing diversity of fungi. National Mushroom Month gives us a chance to celebrate everything we love about fungi: their versatility, their flavors, their health benefits, and their vital role in ecosystems. We’ve rounded up 10 fun and simple ways to celebrate this month, whether you’re a mushroom enthusiast or just looking to try something new:

1. Watch a mushroom documentary

In honor of National Mushroom Month, why not expand your mushroom knowledge even further by watching a documentary about mushrooms? Sit back, relax, and let yourself be amazed by the fabulous world of fungi and how much they impact this planet.

Some of our favorites include:

2. Grow your own mushrooms at home

There’s no better way to eat mushrooms than when they’re fresh, and no better way to get fresh mushrooms than growing them yourself. Grow kits make it easy to grow your own mushrooms at home in about a week!

For high-quality grow kits and supplies, try:

  • North Spore: Offering a wide variety of easy-to-use, high-yield grow kits and mushroom growing supplies, North Spore carries something for every type of mushroom grower.
  • Back to the Roots: Possibly one of the most straightforward grow kits out there, Back to the Roots offers quick-growing mini mushroom farms for the mushroom growing novice.
  • Far West Fungi: This family-run business offers an impressive section of high-quality, organic grow kits, grain spawn, and more.

3. Join your local mycological society

You already love mushrooms. Why not take it one step further by joining your local mycological society or fungus federation? They’re an awesome way to connect with a community of fellow fungi fanatics and learn more about mushrooms, especially when it comes to improving your foraging skills.

To find your nearest mycological society, check out The North American Mycological Society (NAMA) directory or search for smaller, independent clubs in your region.

4. Go mushroom foraging

There’s no better way to celebrate National Mushroom Month than by frolicking in the woods and foraging for mushrooms. Even if you know nothing about mushroom identification yet, you can start by keeping an eye out for fungi on your walks and hikes. Get curious and explore; you’ll be surprised by how many different fungi you can spot when you really start to pay attention. Just promise you won’t eat anything that you can’t identify with 100% certainty.

Mushrooms are wonderful, but mushroom poisoning is not, so always remember: “When in doubt, throw it out!”

6. Start a mushroom DIY project

If you’re a more hands-on person, why not spend the month immersed in a fun mushroom DIY project? You could create a mushroom terrarium, make some mushroom-themed jewelry, or even mix nature and art by creating a stunning spore print from that mushroom you just found. The beauty of mushrooms, with their intricate details and stunning diversity, makes them the perfect inspiration for any creative project.

Start by checking out some of our favorite DIYs:

5. Try a mushroom-based health supplement

Functional mushrooms are absolutely packed with beneficial compounds, vitamins, and minerals that tout a range of health benefits, from enhanced mental clarity to immune support. Why not commit your National Mushroom Month to starting a new routine to boost your wellness? After all, a mushroom a day keeps the doctor away!

Here are a few of our top picks for high-quality mushroom supplements:

  • Naturealm: With a commitment to clean, natural ingredients, Naturealm takes pride in using only 100% whole fruiting body of mushrooms in their supplements. Their Sacred 7 Mushroom Extract includes the unique health properties of reishi, shiitake, maitake, chaga, cordyceps, turkey tail, and lion’s mane, so you can reap all the functional mushroom benefits in one convenient formula.
  • Freshcap: Known for their dedication to quality, Freshcap avoids fillers and uses the fruiting body of the mushroom, instead of the mycelium, for the most potent mushroom supplements. They offer both mushroom extract powders and capsules.
  • Mālama Mushrooms: Based in Kona, Hawaii, Mālama Mushrooms offers sustainably sourced organic mushrooms in their wide range of mushroom products, including powders, cacao mixes, and chocolates.

7. Cook with a new mushroom variety

Did you know there are around 30 commonly cultivated edible varieties of mushrooms? Yet 90% of all mushrooms consumed in the U.S. are the super basic button mushrooms, baby bella mushrooms, and portobello mushrooms—which are all from the same species at different growth rates, by the way! Why not try something new for a change?

Some of the best places to find a more exciting variety of mushrooms are:

  • Specialty stores, like Whole Foods
  • Asian markets, which often carry imported and sometimes even wild-foraged fungi
  • Farmers markets, for fresher selections of locally foraged fungi
  • Online retailers, like Pacific Wild Pick and Mikuni Harvest, may carry more exotic and less common species.

8. Replace your morning cup of joe with mushroom coffee

Ok, we’re not going to act like coffee doesn’t taste absolutely fantastic, but with all the jitters and anxiety, sometimes it’s good to switch things up. Mushroom coffee is a great option for those who want the pick-me-up that coffee brings without all those off-pitting side effects. Plus, you get to reap all the nutritional benefits of functional mushrooms in a tasty beverage.

Ready to switch up your morning routine? Try one of these alternatives instead:

  • Four Sigmatic: Specializing in mushroom-based drinks, Four Sigmatic incorporates organic functional mushrooms with sustainably sourced Arabica coffee beans for those who want to keep drinking coffee without so many jitters.
  • Everyday Dose: Despite having nearly half the caffeine content of a typical cup of coffee, Everyday Dose delivers an energy boost thanks to the added benefits of lion’s mane, chaga, and collagen for those looking to reduce their caffeine intake.
  • Laird Superfood: With both coffee and creamer options, Laird Superfood offers so many different ways to mix coffee and mushrooms, including delicious flavors like mocha and pumpkin spice.

9. Read a book about mushrooms

There’s no better time than National Mushroom Month to pick up a great mushroom book. Expand your knowledge and learn new things that could change the way you think about mushrooms and their role in our world.

Cozy up to some of these mushroom classics:

  • Mushrooms Demystified‘ by David Arora: This comprehensive guide to mushroom identification covers over 2,000 different species of fungi found throughout North America, along with detailed descriptions, photographs, and keys. If you want to get started with mushroom ID, this book is a must-have.
  • Mycelium Running’ by Paul Stamets: Paul Stamet’s ‘Mycelium Running’ explores the potential of fungi for restoring ecosystems, cleaning up pollution, and combating climate change through mycoremediation. Through detailed research and case studies, the book argues the crucial role fungi play in protecting our planet.
  • Entangled Life’ by Merlin Sheldrake: Dive deep into the world of fungi and learn how these organisms shape the world as we know it, influencing everything from soil health and plant growth to the future of medicine and environmental restoration.

10. Support your local mushroom businesses

You’d be surprised how many businesses in your area love fungi just as much as you do. Whether it’s the small mushroom stand at the farmers market or even that trendy restaurant that swaps mushrooms for meat, there are so many ways you can support your local mushroom community.

Want to keep the mushroom love going all year long? Subscribe to our newsletter for everything you need to know about the fascinating world of fungi. Get exclusive tips on foraging, delicious mushroom-based recipes, and the latest research on their health benefits—all delivered straight to your inbox!

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